- Whether you were issued a traffic offense or complaint, being able to understand important key identifiers when reading and/ or relaying information will further aid in your court and/or payment process.
- Being able to locate your Court ID, Ticket Prefix, Ticket Number and License plate # on a electronic or hand written traffic ticket is the first step. Below are two examples of where to find such information on each type listed.
ELECTRONIC TRAFFIC TICKET![Electronic_Traffic_Ticket.jpeg]()
HANDWRITTEN TRAFFIC TICKET ![Handwritten_Traffic_Ticket.jpeg]()
- Your Traffic Ticket can either be Court Mandatory or Payable. If your electronic ticket is payable, a dollar amount will be listed toward the bottom with a date next to it, which indicates when to have such ticket paid by. If your electronic ticket is Court Mandatory, it will say Court Appearance Required with the date on when to appear. These examples show where you can find this information on your ticket.
- If your ticket is hand written, look to see if “Court Appearances Required” box is checked off which will indicate if your ticket it is payable or mandatory. If it is payable, the date listed next to the court date would in fact be your pay by date, you may find the payment amount online at www.njmcdirect.com . If court is required, the court date would be the date you would appear to address your ticket. Please refer to the example on how it will be displayed on your ticket.
- If you were issued a Complaint, similar to a traffic ticket, you need to be able to locate the Court Code, Prefix, Year and Complaint Number. Below indicates where this information can be found.
- On the bottom portion of the Complaint, you will find where your matter will be heard, specifically the Court and its address. Further you will find your appearance date and time on when your complaint will be heard. Please see below example on where to locate this information on your document.
*Please be mindful that if you are issued multiple traffic tickets and at least one of them indicate that a Court Appearance is required, all tickets will be addressed together in Court*