984 Tuckerton Road
Marlton, NJ 08053
If the inoperable vehicle is on private property, you can use the ASK EVESHAM Reporting System and select "Inoperable vehicle on private property" in the Issue field. The Department of Community Development will inspect and send a notice of violation if necessary. If the inoperable vehicle is in the street, please contact police department at 983-1111 (non-emergency number).
Hazard Tree Maintenance (Trimming and Cutting)
Can I trim/prune/cut a down dead or dying tree or tree limb on my property (including a tree within a wetland buffer) that meets the ordinance definition as a “Hazard Tree”? Please see Township Property Maintenance Code at § 102-8.
Note: Trimming trees and/or limbs can be a dangerous activity and if done incorrectly may unbalance a tree and create additional hazards. Before undertaking this work yourself you should consider consulting and/or hiring a licensed contractor registered with the New Jersey Board of Tree Experts at https://www.njbte.org/
If a Hazard Tree is not located on your property, you should contact the neighboring property owner to coordinate a plan to address the tree condition.
If the tree is on municipal property, please see the following link to the form to be completed to arrange a site meeting. Click here for the township's Shade Tree Complaint Form.
Yes; however, there are restrictions. You will need to apply for a Permit for Outdoor Sales or Display. For more details regarding size, type and duration of sales, and exemptions from permit, review Chapter 120 of the Evesham Township Code online.
The Zoning Permit Application fee varies depending on the use of the property. You may find the zoning permit fees on the Zoning Permit Application or by reviewing Chapter 72 of the Evesham Township Code online.
To view Flood Insurance Rate (FIRM) maps by the FEMA Flood Map Service Center, please see the below web links:
FEMA Flood Map Service Center | Welcome!
When you pay for your building, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, or fire permit, you will receive a checklist of required inspections. This checklist will include directions on scheduling your inspections via our online SDL portal, via email or phone. Inspections are done Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. YOU MAY ONLY SCHEDULE INSPECTIONS FOR COMPLETED WORK. DO NOT SCHEDULE INSPECTIONS IN ANTICIPATION OF COMPLETION OF WORK.
If you have an issue with your landlord that you cannot resolve, you may wish to seek the guidance of an attorney and/or the Burlington County Court System at Burlington Court Offices/Divisions | NJ Courts - Civil Division
The Landlord/Tenant Phone Number is (609-288-9500 ext. 38094
If you live in an apartment and/or multifamily structure (3 or more units) and have an issue with the building, please contact the NJ Bureau of Housing and Inspection at (609) 633-6229 or New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA) | Bureau of Housing Inspection (nj.gov)
The Construction Office can be found in the Department of Community Development located at Room 204 of the Township Building, 984 Tuckerton Road, Marlton, NJ 08053. The office is available Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. through 4:30 p.m. to help residents through the application process.
Either the property owner or contractor may complete the forms necessary to apply for a permit. Electrical, plumbing, and HVAC-R contractors must affix their respective seals to the permit application.
All permit applications require a description of the job, materials and equipment being used, and cost of the project. Three sets of plans are required at the time of submission if the project involves construction plans. Permits must be displayed in conspicuous location while work is being performed and remain posted until final inspections are completed.
If you are unsure whether you need a permit or you have any other questions regarding the permit process, please contact us at 856-983-2914 and press 4 to speak with the office staff.
All sheds require a Zoning Permit. Depending on the size of the structure, a Building Permit might also be required. If you are part of an HOA, you will first require HOA approval. Learn more about erecting a shed.
A Zoning Permit is required for a fence. If the fence surrounds a pool, a Building Permit is also required, and it must meet the pool barrier code. You’ll need a copy of your property survey, and if you are part of a homeowners association, you will need their approval first. For more details, review Chapter 160-22 of the Evesham Township Code online.
We recommend reaching out to the construction department prior to undertaking any work if you are unsure if permits are required.
Answer 1: As long as the work is confined to the exterior of the home, then NO construction permit required. (see notes below)
Answer 2: IF the work involves entering the home and tying into an existing system with sump pump or installing a new sump pump system and or french drain on the interior of the home, then YES a construction permit would be required. (see notes below)
Water should not be directed in a manner that creates a problem for adjacent property. The yards of every structure shall be graded to secure proper drainage away from buildings and dispose of it without ponding. Please also see codes §62-54 Grading standards and requirements. (ecode360.com) and §62-64 Underdrains. (ecode360.com)
Extending of sump pump drains or any other rain water piping should not penetrate the curb or terminate close to the sidewalk.
Drainage improvements within the right-of-way require approval from the Department of Public Works and/or Municipal Engineer.
We recommend reaching out to the construction department prior to undertaking any work if you are unsure if permits are required. Input and/or approval may be required from the Department of Public Works and/or Municipal Engineer.
The distance varies depending on your zoning district, which you can find on our Zoning Map. View the Zoning Map as a PDF or view the Zoning Map through the township mapping system. For details on required setbacks, dimensions, building height, lot coverage, etc., please review performance regulations in the Evesham Township Code online. You’ll need to submit a Zoning Permit Application and a UCC Construction Permit Application prior to starting the work.
You can find your zoning district on the township’s Zoning Map. View the Zoning Map as a PDF or view the Zoning Map through the township mapping system. You can contact the zoning officer at (856) 984-2914-2. The zoning regulations and performance regulations can be found in Chapter 160 of the Township Code online.
A new business needs to obtain a certificate prior to occupying the tenant space.
If you are not making any changes to the interior of the space other than paint and carpet/flooring or if you are taking ownership of an existing commercial space, you’ll need to complete an Application Packet for New Tenant-New Owner Certificate (Commercial Use).
The township will confirm the new business is permitted and that the building can be occupied. The business will be registered with Evesham Fire-Rescue, so that officials have contact information in case of an emergency. If changes will be made to the interior of the space, a Construction Permit is required. Please contact the Construction Office at 856-983-2914 ext. 4 for further details or questions.
A Construction Permit ensures the work performed conforms to fire and building codes and is inspected and certified by licensed construction inspectors. This protects individuals and the community. Also, if you have an insurance claim related to any work done without permits, your carrier might not pay the claim. They often check with the township to confirm permits were issued.
The New Jersey Pinelands Commission is an independent state agency whose mission is to "preserve, protect, and enhance the natural and cultural resources of the Pinelands National Reserve, and to encourage compatible economic and other human activities consistent with that purpose."
To determine if a property is in the Pinelands section of the Township, please see the Evesham Township Zone Map and the Pinelands Commission Maps online, which can be accessed at the links below.
Zoning District Map (evesham-nj.org)
For more information about the Pinelands Commission rules and application process, please see the following links:
New Jersey Pinelands Commission | Applications (nj.gov)
New Jersey Pinelands Commission | Guidelines & Tools (nj.gov)
Short term rentals (including but not limited to Airbnb and Vrbo type properties), like long term rentals are required to pass an inspection by the Fire Department and register with the Evesham Township Clerks Office.
The rental property shall receive a Certificate of Smoke Alarm, Carbon Monoxide Alarm, and Portable Fire Extinguisher Compliance (CSACMAPFEC) inspection, in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.3, each time a new tenant occupies the property. Failure to comply with the provisions of N.J.A.C 5:70-2.3 will result in a $500 penalty. Visit www.eveshamfire.org to learn more about scheduling these inspections and any associated fees.
Certain applications require the applicant to post escrow funds with the Township.
When submitting the initial escrow deposit the applicant also signs and submits the escrow agreement form known as “Agreement to pay fees”. The amount of the initial escrow amount is established in the Township code.
The escrow account is utilized to pay Township consultants that review and/or inspect the work involved with the project. When a consult submits an invoice to be paid by the Township they also submit a copy of the invoice to the applicant for their review and records. If the escrow account requires replenishment the Township will send written notice to the applicant requesting a replenishment amount.
When the project is complete, and final invoicing has been processed the applicant can request the account be closed and a refund of any escrow account fund balance. At any time the applicant can request the Township provide a copy of the escrow account balance details.
The Township Code does not specifically list “cottage food” as a use.
The Code is word searchable for your convenience. Home Occupations in certain residential structures are covered in Code Section 160-41 please also see 160-5.
Step One: To determine which Township zone(s) your home is in please visit the Township Zoning Map at Zoning District Map (evesham-nj.org) (PDF) or https://www.sdlportal.com/towns/nj/burlington/eveshamtwp/maps
Step Two: Once you know your zone, all permitted uses and bulk standards can be found in the Zoning Code Zoning Code - Zoning Districts. You may word search for “Home Occupations”
Step Three: If “Home Occupations” are allowed in your Zone, it is important to verify that your proposed Home Occupation operations will meet the requirements of Code Section 160-41, Home Occupations and the definition of Home Occupation in Code Section 160-5 Word usage, Definitions. If your proposed Home Occupation meets all the standards listed, then a Zoning Permit is not necessary. If your proposed Home Occupation does not meet all of the standards listed please contact the Zoning Office at 856-983-2914 ext. 4 to discuss the steps to obtain a Zoning Approval.
To determine which Township Zone your proposed massage business is permitted in, please visit the Township Zoning Map at Zone Map Zoning District Map (evesham-nj.org) (PDF) or https://www.sdlportal.com/towns/nj/burlington/eveshamtwp/maps
Please note, when looking for a location for your massage business, there is a specific requirement in the Construction Code requiring that a sink be available for handwashing in the room where the massage (hand to body contact) will occur.
How to Obtain Approval for your Massage Establishment
In order to open a new massage establishment or take over an existing massage establishment approval must be obtained from the Zoning Department, Construction Department, Police Department, and finally Township Council.
Zoning and Construction Department Approval
There are two kinds of approval processes through the Zoning and Construction Departments depending on the project; 1) No work is being done to the space or you are purchasing an existing business or 2) Improvement work is being in the space.
New Tenant Certificate/New Owner Certificate - If no work is being done or you are purchasing an existing massage establishment and not making any changes other than paint and carpet:
If you are moving into a space and/or purchasing a space that meets the requirements of the Construction Code, and you are not doing any work other than paint/flooring, you should apply for a New Tenant Certificate (NTC). The application form may be found here. You must also follow the steps below for obtaining registration as a massage establishment through the Township Council.
New Tenant Fit Out:
If you are doing any construction work to your new space, including but not limited to adding sinks, changing adding electrical fixtures, etc., then Zoning and Construction Permits are required. Please contact the office at 856-983-2914 ext. 2914 for any questions regarding what forms and plans are required for a tenant fit out. You must also follow the steps below for obtaining registration as a massage establishment through the Township Council to receive your Certificate of Occupancy.
Obtaining Registration for Your Massage Establishments through the Township Council
In order to obtain your New Tenant Certificate/New Owner Certificate or Certificate of Occupancy to operate your massage business in the Township you must also register with the Evesham Township Police Department.
Please contact the Police Department to obtain the forms the necessary for approval in that Department. Once the proper steps are taken in Construction/Zoning and the Police Department, your establishment will be placed on a Township Council agenda. If approval is granted by the Township Council, proof of the approval must be submitted to the Construction and Zoning Office prior to any business operations.
NOTE: Your New Tenant Certificate or Certificate of Occupancy will not be released and you will not be able to open your establishment until you have been approved by the Township Council.