984 Tuckerton Road
Marlton, NJ 08053
The "Notice of Assessment" postcards are mailed annually. Starting for the 2021 tax year, the postcards will be mailed on or before Nov. 15 of the pretax year.
Tax assessments are based on the market value of the property. Direct Sales Comparison, Cost and Income Approaches are used to determine market value.
It is the price at which the property would sell in a fair and bona fide sale.
If your assessment value is under $1 million, an appeal must be filed to the Burlington County Tax Board by Jan. 15 of the current year. Owners can file with the county through the online appeal system or a paper appeal. Please note: if a paper appeal is filed, a copy of that appeal must be given to the Evesham Township Tax Assessor and the Evesham Township Clerk by the appeal deadline. Appeal instructions are available at the Burlington County Tax website.
Inequitable assessments are caused by changes in characteristics of the parcel or neighborhood, fluctuations in the economy, improvements completed without permits, changes in style or market pressure (supply and demand).
A Request for Certified List of Owners form is available to complete, print and return with a check for $10 made payable to the "Township of Evesham." Exact cash will be accepted if the application is hand delivered.
The township has seven business days to complete the list. The list will be mailed to the requester, unless prior arrangements are made to pick up the list in person. The information will not be transmitted via facsimile.
To view Flood Insurance Rate (FIRM) maps by the FEMA Flood Map Service Center, please see the below web links:
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