Monday - Friday
8:30 - 4:30


984 Tuckerton Road
Marlton, NJ 08053

Folder Recent/Upcoming Meeting Applications & Related Documents

Please note: The posting of these documents through the Township website is not required by Municipal Land Use Law. The posting of these documents is being undertaken as a courtesy, as directed by the Township’s Local Governing Body.

Should an applicant submit an updated version of any supporting material after the items are initially made available through the township website, Township Staff will make best efforts to see that materials available through the website are also updated to the extent that is possible with Township staffing, budget and time constraints.

However, applicants retain the right to submit multiple, updated submissions up until the time of the specific meeting where their application is scheduled to be heard. Ultimately, the Planning Board / Zoning Board make decisions based on the most recent materials presented to the board during the time of its meeting, which may or may not match those available through the township website.

Per Municipal Land Use Law, the most up-to-date copies of documents related to any given application before the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment can best be accessed directly by visiting the Office of Community Development at the Evesham Township Municipal Complex during regular business hours.

Any member of the public with an in interest in any specific application is always encouraged to attend the meeting where that application will be heard.


Folder Z24-25
Folder Z24-21
Folder Z24-20
Folder Z24-19
Folder Z24-14