Monday - Friday
8:30 - 4:30


984 Tuckerton Road
Marlton, NJ 08053

Reminder: Batteries of any kind are NOT recyclable through Burlington County Curbside Recycling Collection (Blue Carts)

BatteryRecycling Letter2021Burlington County is reminding residents that batteries of any kind are not recyclable through County Curbside Recycling Collection (Blue Carts).

The proper disposal method is dependent on the type of battery residents are seeking to dispose of.

Batteries that may be throw in Municipal Curbside Trash Collection (Green Carts) include traditional alkaline batteries, such as AAA, AA, C, D, and 9 Volt sizes, as these do not contain mercury. These batteries are safe to dispose of in your household trash.   

For rechargeable batteries, please bring these items directly to the Evesham Township Public Work Yard, as these items contain Nickel Cadmium (Ni-Cd), Lithium Ion (Li-Ion) and Small Sealed Lead Acid (SSLA/Pb). Such batteries can become damaged during the collection and processing process, leading to sparks and potential ignition of surrounding materials.

These rechargeable batteries includes those that come in the same sizes as alkaline batteries, as well as the batteries used for laptops, portable tools and toys.

The Evesham Township Public Works Yard is located at 100 Sharp Road and is open during regular business hours from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Items may be placed in the Electronics Recycling Container.