984 Tuckerton Road
Marlton, NJ 08053
The local Marlton Muslim Families non-profit organization is once again working together with Evesham Township this year to host a Ramadan Crescent Moon Lighting Ceremony on Saturday, Feb. 22, at 4:30 p.m.
This event will once again be held at the corner of Main Street & Maple Avenue and will help our township mark the start of Ramadan on Friday, Feb. 28.
In addition to the lighting of a Crescent Moon display, the event will feature educational information about Ramadan and remarks from local officials.
The Crescent Moon will then once again be displayed throughout he month of Ramadan.
As with last year's ceremony, residents of all faiths and backgrounds are invited to join for this event. Members of our community are encouraged to gather together to educate one another about cultural differences, while also sharing in our many similarities.
(A rain date for the event is planned for Thursday, Feb. 27, at the same time/location)